Terms and Conditions

These general terms and conditions apply to all customers and guests of Onder den Peerenboom staying overnight & amp; meetings, located at Benedeneind Zuidzijde 251, 3405 CJ in Benschop. In the articles a distinction is made between customers who come to meet and customers who come to stay overnight. The points under the headings “general” in the articles apply to both. If no distinction is made in an article between “Overnight”, “Meeting”, and “General” then the article fully applies to every guest.

Version – 20 November 2020

Contact information

Onder den Peerenboom
Femke Berns
Benedeneind Zuidzijde 251
3405 CJ Benschop
Tel.: +31653783939
Email: femke@onderdenpeerenboom.nl
Website: www.onderdenpeerenboom.nl
CoC: 302691820000


  1. Customer: a person, organization or company that books a stay and / or meeting with Onder den Peerenboom, or books it for a third party. 
  2. Guest: a person equal to the customer and / or the person who stays or meets with Onder den Peerenboom on the basis of the customer’s reservation.
  3. Owner: the owner of Onder den Peerenboom or the person who acts as manager on behalf of the owner.
  4. Booking: a reservation request confirmed in writing by Onder den Peerenboom.
  5. Cancellation: The revocation or cancellation of the definitive booking within the applicable period or a no-show at the time of the booking.
  6. Third parties: any other person and / or legal entity that is not a customer, guest, manager or owner.
  7. Stay: The entire period from check-in / arrival to check-out / departure.
  8. B&B: the overnight spaces of Onder den Peerenboom
  9. Boardroom: the meeting room of Onder den Peerenboom
  10. Accommodation: the space booked at Onder den Peerenboom.
  11. The website: this refers to the website https://www.onderderdenpeerenboom.nl

1 General

  • These general terms and conditions automatically take effect when entering into an agreement with Onder den Peerenboom.
  • Deviating conditions and / or stipulations, including the general terms and conditions of the customer, do not form part of an agreement, unless these conditions or stipulations have been accepted in writing by Onder den Peerenboom.
  • Spending the night and meeting under den Peerenboom is described on the website www.onderdenpeerenboom.nl (https://www.onderdenpeerenboom.nl/). The website has been made with care, but differences may arise between the texts and photos on the website and the current situation. No rights can be derived from this by guests.
  • Pets of guests are not allowed unless otherwise agreed by the owner and the guest.
  • Smoking is not allowed anywhere in the buildings. This is allowed outside, but the guest is responsible for ensuring that cigarette butts, when they have been extinguished sufficiently, are put away in the appropriate ashtrays or rubbish bins.
  • Auto’s can be parked in the designated parking spaces of Onder den Peerenboom. Parking is at your own risk.
  • Guests should always follow the owner’s directions.
  • The owner can immediately deny guests access to the location of Onder den Peerenboom in case of violation of the general terms and conditions and / or the house rules, or in case of inappropriate behavior, without further notice and stating reasons, and without refund of accommodation costs.
  • Customers must be 18 or older to make a reservation. 
  • Customers and guests must have a permanent residence.

2 Book and confirm

Stay the night

  • An option can be placed on an accommodation by the customer. This option remains valid for 5 days and can be extended in consultation. 
  • If there are other interested parties during the option period, Onder den Peerenboom will contact immediately after the option period to ask whether the customer wants to convert the option into a booking. 
  • An option can always be withdrawn free of charge. 
  • Bookings for the bed & amp; breakfast can be done orally, by telephone, via email or via the website.
  • A booking only becomes final for the guest and owner when it is confirmed by the owner by email.


  • An option can be placed on an accommodation by the customer. This option remains valid for 5 days and can be extended in consultation. 
  • If there are other interested parties during the option period, Onder den Peerenboom will contact immediately after the option period to ask whether the customer wants to convert the option into a booking.
  • An option is converted into a definitive booking by written (post or email) confirmation of the agreement on the quotation by the customer. The booking is now final.
  • Bookings for the boardroom can only be made by means of a written (post or email) agreement on an offer from Onder den Peerenboom.
  • Offers are valid for 14 days.
  • Onder den Peerenboom always has the authority to change or withdraw the quotation in writing (post or email).

3 Pricing

Stay the night

  • Prices for the B & amp; B, breakfast and packages include VAT and tourist tax.
  • Prices for the B & amp; B do not include breakfast or packages.
  • All prices are exclusive of costs of cancellation and / or travel insurance and / or other costs.


  • Prices for the boardroom (meetings) and catering are exclusive of VAT.
  • Prices for the boardroom (meetings) do not include catering.


  • All prices of Onder den Peerenboom can be found on the website.
  • All prices are without obligation and subject to interim changes.
  • All statements on the website are deemed to have been provided in good faith and are always subject to interim adjustments. Onder den Peerenboom is not bound by obvious errors on the website.

4 Invoicing and payment

Stay the night

  • Payment of the (remaining) amount must be paid in the B & amp; B before check-out.
  • Payment can be made by bank transfer, cash, with PIN or credit card. 
  • When paying with credit card 2% costs are charged.
  • VFor reservations from abroad, the entire reservation amount must be paid to Onder den Peerenboom no later than 14 days before the check-in date. If the check-in date is within 14 days of booking, payment must be made immediately upon arrival.


  • Business customers (legal entities) can pay on account.
  • The payment term is no later than 14 days after the invoice date.
  • Onder den Peerenboom is also free to request advance payment for business customers.
  • Information regarding purchasing procedures required for correct invoicing must be confirmed in writing by the customer prior to the meeting.


  • If Onder den Peerenboom is forced to use collection to collect the amount owed to it, the collection costs will be charged to the client.

5 Cancellation

Stay the night

  • In case of cancellation, the tenant pays a fee to the owner: 
    • in case of cancellation within two weeks before the commencement date, 25% of the agreed price; 
    • in case of cancellation within 1 week before the commencement date, 50% of the agreed price; 
    • in case of cancellation on the day of the commencement date or during your stay 100% of the agreed price.
  • The amount due in case of cancellation is to be transferred to the bank account of the owner within 14 days.


  • Bij annulering betaalt de huurder een vergoeding aan de eigenaar: 
    • in case of cancellation within two weeks up to and including 6 days before the meeting, 60% of the agreed price 
    • in case of cancellation within five days before the meeting 100% of the agreed price;
  • The amount due in case of cancellation is to be transferred to the bank account of the owner within 14 days


  • In the unlikely event that you are unable to fulfill the booking made, you must report this to us as soon as possible so that we can still offer the released reservation to third parties.
  • No refund will be made for later arrival or earlier departure.
  • Cancellation can de done verbally, by phone, by email href=”mailto:info@onderdenpeerenboom.nl”>mailto:info@onderdenpeerenboom.nl) or through the Contact Form on the website. 
  • Onder den Perenboom always has the right to withdraw a definitive reservation more than 2 days prior to the date of arrival without stating reasons. Advances already paid will then be refunded to the main guest.

6 Your stay

  • Guests are requested to report to the owner upon arrival.
  • Check-in times are 3:00 PM and 11:00 PM, and check-out times between 7:00 AM and 11:00 AM in the morning. Later check-out is only possible in consultation.
  • The B & amp; B spaces are designed for two guests. A maximum of 4 guests can stay in the Bleekveld and Rootland apartments by using the existing sofa bed.
  • Noise nuisance, especially between 10 pm and 8 am, this should be avoided.
  • Radios and televisions and other sound sources must not cause nuisance to others. 
  • Use of the accommodations by third parties is not permitted.
  • Books, magazines, brochures and maps present in the accommodation are only available for inspection. 
  • Visitors are not allowed to stay overnight in the accommodation without the permission of the owner and without additional payment. 
  • Breakfast:
    • Breakfast is served if you indicate this when making your reservation.
    • Breakfast must be booked at least one day in advance 
    • The costs for breakfast can be found on the website.
    • If you still prefer to have breakfast during your stay, you can make this known to the owner the day before. 
    • Breakfast is served in the room or outside if the guest wishes.
    • We prefer to hear allergies or other dietary requirements with regard to breakfast when booking, but at the latest at the same time as booking breakfast

7 Your meeting

  • Up to 3 working days before the start of the meeting, the client can report changes in the number of people. This number is at least binding on the invoice.
  • Guests are requested to report to the owner upon arrival.
  • You can book the boardroom per part of the day (s)
    • The morning: 09:00-13:00
    • The afternoon: 13:00-17:00
    • The night: 17:00-21:00
  • Use of the boardroom outside the standard day parts is possible in consultation.
  • Guse of the boardroom outside of the standard half-days may entail additional costs. These will be submitted to your orders for approval in advance.
  • The boardroom can accommodate up to 14 people.
  • Customers must be 18 or older to make a reservation. Both customers and guests must have a permanent residence.
  • Catering:
    • Catering is discussed with the customer in advance and included in the quotation as agreed.
    • Additional wishes for the catering must be communicated in writing (email) no later than 2 days before the meeting 
    • The costs for catering can be found on the website. Some prices are “from” prices.
    • Allergies or other dietary requirements regarding the catering must be communicated to us at least 5 days before the meeting.
    • Catering is provided for the number of participants in a meeting as indicated above, unless otherwise agreed.

8 Safety and environment

  • Vehicles must be parked in the designated parking spaces. 
  • The accommodation must be kept clean and tidy and must be vacated that way. 
  • Waste must be separated and deposited in the appropriate waste bin. 
  • A first aid kit is available with the owner.
  • Approved fire extinguishers are available in all accommodations and will be indicated to you by the owner upon your arrival.
  • The presence of suspicious persons must be reported immediately to the owner.
  • Pets are not allowed unless otherwise agreed and confirmed. 
  • Smoking, candles and open fire are not allowed in the building due to fire safety. 
  • The misuse of fire extinguishers or rendering the smoke detector inoperative is not permitted. 
  • The property is accessible 24 hours a day during a stay.
  • Other facilities in the yard should be used by guests with care and in accordance with their intended use. Think of: trampoline, Jeu de Boules track, furniture, pets, locks, cars, tractors, shovel, lawn mowers, horses, surrounding roads, cycle paths, fences, etcetera. 
  • The safety of any child or other person in need of help must be guaranteed by the parents or guardians. 
  • It is not allowed to feed the animals in the yard without consultation, including our own dog.

9 Damage

Saty the night

  • When forgetting to return the keys at check-out, the customer is obliged to send the keys to the B & amp; B owner by registered mail within 2 working days.
  • In the event of loss or otherwise non-return of keys to the accommodation, all resulting costs will be charged to the customer. The customer undertakes to pay this within 14 days after sending a substantiated invoice.


  • n.a.


  • The guest must behave properly and use the accommodation in accordance with reasonable instructions for use given by the owner. 
  • The customer is legally liable for damage caused by him or his fellow guests to the accommodation or the items contained therein. 
  • A claim (damage, loss, missing and / or theft) must be reported by the guest directly to the owner. Repair and / or replacement costs must be reimbursed by the guest to the owner at his first request.
  • The owner is not liable for damage, loss or theft of guests’ property.
  • In case of disputes, all (legal) costs are for the account of the customer.
  • All risks related to a stay or meeting at Onder den Peerenboom are for the account of the customer and / or guests.

10 Complaints

  • The guest may always submit his grievances by means of a complaint. Onder den Peerenboom will always handle a complaint adequately and expeditiously, so that the complaint is handled according to the standards of reasonableness and fairness.

11 Stay the night

  • In the event of force majeure, both of a permanent and temporary nature, Onder den Peerenboom is entitled to dissolve the agreement in whole or in part or to suspend it temporarily without the guest being able to claim compensation for damages. Force majeure includes, but is not limited to: danger of war, war, uprising, molestation, strikes, boycotts, disruptions in the energy circuit, in traffic or transport, government measures, scarcity of raw materials, natural disasters and furthermore all circumstances, extraordinary weather conditions. , death of one of the owners or close family member under which full or partial fulfillment of the agreement cannot reasonably and fairness be required of the owner
  • In one of these cases, the owner will provide the guest with an alternative offer as soon as possible.
  • If this is not possible or if the customer does not accept the offered alternative, the full amount already paid will be refunded. 
  • Any other damage as a result of the cancellation will not be compensated by the owner. 

12 liability

  • Onder den Peerenboom cannot be held liable for damage suffered by the customer, guest or third parties as a result of the stay in the accommodation; the customer and guest indemnify the owner against claims in this regard. 
  • Onder den Peerenboom is not liable for malfunctions in and around the accommodation, such as malfunctions and failure of power and water supplies and technical installations, construction and / or road works that are not or not yet announced in time in the vicinity of the location.
  • The owner can only be held liable for damage that is due to the gross negligence or negligence of the owner. 
  • Without prejudice to the above provisions, the liability of the owner, if and insofar as Onder den Peerenboom is legally liable for any reason with regard to the user agreement, is limited to direct damage and any form of consequential damage is excluded.
  • The liability of the owner is furthermore always limited to the maximum amount that the insurer of Onder den Peerenboom will pay out in such a case.
  • Onder den Peerenboom does not accept any liability for injury to persons and / or damage, loss or theft of property of the users.
  • Onder den Peerenboom is in no way liable for the results or the substantive course of the meeting.
  • The customer named in the booking confirmation is responsible for an orderly course of events in and around the relevant accommodation (s). 
  • The belongings must be handled with care and the accommodation must therefore be left tidy and decent. 
  • Breakage or damage must therefore be reported by the guest directly to the owner. 
  • Any repair and / or replacement costs must be immediately reimbursed by the guest to the owner at his first request. 
  • If it turns out after departure that items have been left broken and this has not been reported to the owner, the invoice will still be charged for the repair and / or replacement costs incurred. 

13 Privacy

Stay the night


  • Both parties are obliged to maintain confidentiality of all confidential information that they have obtained from each other or from any other source in the context of their agreement. 
  • Information is considered confidential if this has been communicated by the other party or if this arises from the nature of the information.
  • Onder den Peerenboom reserves the right to use the customer as a reference on its website or other publications, unless the customer objects to this in writing.

14 Final provision

  • Insofar as not stipulated otherwise in rules of private international law, only Dutch law applies to these terms and conditions. Non􏰀 Dutch speaking guests are deemed to agree with the general terms and conditions drawn up in Dutch.
  • All disputes arising from the user agreement or these terms and conditions will in the first instance be settled by the competent court in the Netherlands, insofar as the rules of private international law do not provide otherwise. 
  • None of the parties can transfer its rights and obligations to third parties unless otherwise provided in these terms and conditions.
  • If and insofar as any provision in the user agreement and these terms and conditions proves to be invalid, the other terms and conditions will remain in force and the invalid article will be deemed to have been converted in such a way that it is brought into conformity with the apparent intentions of the parties.